The Emerging Markets Debt Strategy aims to outperform its blended benchmark (50:50 JP Morgan Hard Currency: Local Currency GBI EM GD/EMBI GD) by 1.5% p.a. (gross) and produce a long term positive total return. It is managed by a talented, highly experienced team of five investors and one dedicated trader. The team also leverage TT’s wider ecosystem consisting of twelve EM Equity experts, five traders and sixteen additional investment professionals.
EM Debt as an asset class has grown and matured over the years, with EM economic fundamentals improving markedly. In many cases, fundamentals are akin to – or even better than – those in Developed Markets, meaning the asset class is becoming increasingly mainstream. Against this backdrop, access to information has proliferated and Emerging Markets have become more efficient, meaning outperformance based solely on fundamental analysis is increasingly challenging.
In our view, this new paradigm suits truly active, nimble and contrarian processes that focus on overlooked, mispriced areas of the market. With this shifting backdrop in mind, we built our EM Debt process around a number of key convictions and areas of differentiation:
Jean-Charles "(JC)" Sambor is TT’s Head of Emerging Markets Debt. Before
joining TT, JC worked at BNP Paribas Asset Management for almost eight years as
Head of EM Fixed Income and was Lead Portfolio Manager of the EM Debt
strategies. Prior to this, JC was CEO of IIF (Institute
of International Finance) Asia Pacific Ltd and Regional Director. He also
worked at TCW and a large hedge fund. JC started his career as an Emerging Markets economist with Société
Générale. He is an alumnus of UCLA and received an MA in International
Financial Economics from UPMF. JC is also an alumnus of École Normale
Supérieure and received an MA in Philosophy from Sorbonne University.
Read some of Jean-Charles Sambor's articles and insights in our 'What We Think' section.
Alex is a Portfolio Manager on the TT Emerging Markets Debt strategies based in London. Prior to joining TT, Alex was an EM Debt Portfolio Manager at BNP Paribas Asset Management for eight years, specialising in Sovereign credit. Before BNPP AM, Alex worked as an Assistant Vice President within Model Integration at Acadian Asset Management in Boston. Prior to moving to the US, Alex was based in Brazil and latterly spent time as a Partner and Portfolio Manager at Quantitas Asset Management following roles as Equities Portfolio Manager and Trader at Unibanco Asset Management and Fixed Income Portfolio Manager and Trader at Banco Cooperativo Sicredi respectively. Alex has an MBA from Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth and graduated in Business Administration from Universidade de Sao Paulo. Alex is a CFA Charterholder.
Stefan is a Portfolio Manager on the TT Emerging Markets Debt strategies based in London. Prior to joining TT, Stefan was an EM Fixed Income Portfolio Manager at BNP Paribas Asset Management for five and a half years, specialising in EM portfolio management and top-down macro portfolio construction. Before that, Stefan was a Fixed Income Credit Portfolio Manager at Erste Asset Management GmbH where he spent almost five years. Stefan graduated from the University of Vienna with an MSc in Quantitative Finance and has a BSc in Maths from FAU Erlangen-Nurnberg. Stefan is a CFA Charterholder.
Ronald is a Senior Analyst on the TT Emerging Markets Debt strategies based in Hong Kong. Prior to joining TT, Ronald was a Credit Analyst at BNP Paribas Asset Management. Ronald began his career at Moody’s Investors Service in 2014, moving on to Shanghai Pudong Development Bank as an Assistant Vice President – Debt Capital Markets. He went on to S&P Global Ratings where he spent four years, latterly as an Associate, before joining BNP Paribas in 2022. Ronald graduated from the Hong Kong University of Science & Technology with a Bachelor of Business Administration. Ronald is a CFA Charterholder.
Di is a Senior Analyst on the TT Emerging Markets Debt strategies, based in Hong Kong. Prior to joining TT, Di was an Associate in Restructuring for Moelis & Company for two years. Di began his career at PricewaterhouseCoopers where he spent over three years in Assurance, before moving to a role in Corporate Finance at South China Financial Holdings. Di went on to roles as Vice President, Direct Investment for China Huarong International Holdings and Senior Manager, Restructuring at Alvarez & Marsal before joining Moelis. Di holds an MBA from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He is a Certified Public Accountant and obtained a BBA in Financial Services from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Di is a CFA Charterholder.
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© 2020 TT International
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